
This is our journey, all of us. Our blog was born from the desire to do something together, to share with each other and with you.

We have been friends for seven years, and have already grown, uprooted, fallen in love, succeeded and failed, become a family and won and lost at many things during our friendship.

Our blog name is born out of the idea that as we approach the next stage in our lives we will be growing from blossoms to flourishing at whatever we set our minds to.

So, now on to the exciting stuff….and also the everyday stuff too. Neither of us are writers or particularly creative types so we are looking forward to the challenge this blog presents.

We’ll be sharing our lives, our upcoming projects and craft ideas. We’ll also be posting recommendations on places to visit, recipes & sharing photos, alongside beauty and fashion tips, personal stuff and anything else that comes along our way on this new journey! So, we hope you enjoy our blog, and would love to hear your comments. Give us time though, we’re new to this!

Suzy & Clare

8 thoughts on “About

  1. Hello Suzy & Clare, I look forward in reading more about your journey here on this blog 🙂 thank you for following my blog, I hope you enjoy it as much as I will enjoy browsing through yours. Happy Blogging! xx

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